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The Bag Lady

Learn how to be a  ROCK MOVER

and choose what you carry in your bags

This is Karen's  Signature Speech and her most requested topic.  With Humor, Grace, Honesty and Transparency, Karen gives participants a visual example and lesson of the baggage we carry. Then she enlightens them with a fresh new perspective that shifts your mindset and expectations forever.  #BeARockMover


This speech is perfect for any conference event (Can be specifically designed for men or women).  This can be presented in a hands on workshop format as well.

The Evolution of CHANGE

Learn how to STEP INTO YOUR G.A.P.

There are few things we can count on these days - but CHANGE is one of them!  This is a speech designed to dig deep into the HEART of the value of TIME, RELATIONSHIPS and the importance of being willing to CHANGE. 

This speech is perfect for professional events where there is a mixed demographic, especially corporate groups because we can all relate to the pain and importance of changing with the times.

Flight, Fight or FREAK OUT! 


We can't control what happens to us, but 

WE CAN CONTROL how we react to it!

Yes, even FEAR!

Even the strongest people come face to face with fear at some point. (Fear of failure, fear of success or even fear of change)  What if you could switch the narrative and begin to see FEAR as your ally, motivator and partner?  Karen will show you how to shift your focus and introduce you to what's possible so you can see what you can  accomplish, even scared!


This speech is for anyone facing change or desiring to break though their comfort zone

Laptop Ladies


Any of the 3 Speech Topics above are available to be presented in a virtual format.  I offer Zoom if you do not have a virtual platform available.  Click the button below to submit your event request and we will contact you to arrange a meeting.

Microphone Closeup

Keynote/ WorkShop

Any of the 3 Speech Topics above are available to be presented live as a Keynote, Main Stage or Breakout Workshop .  Click the button below to submit your event request and we will contact you to arrange a meeting.

Submit a Speaker Request
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